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Pipes allows you to automatically load your AccuWeather data into Amazon Redshift. With ready-to-use connectors and pre-built data schemas for more than 200 APIs and web services you build data pipelines in minutes and without any coding. ​

Pipes allows you to automatically load your AccuWeather data into Amazon Redshift. With ready-to-use connectors and pre-built data schemas for more than 200 APIs and web services you build data pipelines in minutes and without any coding. ​

Connect to Amazon Redshift

This will be the destination of all data pipelines you build. Besides Amazon Redshift, Pipes supports the most used relational databases in the cloud and on-premises.

Connect to AccuWeather

Just enter your credentials to allow Pipes access to the AccuWeather API. Then Pipes is able to retrieve your data from AccuWeather.

Create a data pipeline from AccuWeather to Amazon Redshift

Pipes lets you select the data from AccuWeather you want to have in Amazon Redshift. This pipeline will run automatically on your defined schedule!

Pipes allows you to connect to AccuWeatherAcquisio and more than 200 other APIs, web services and databases with ready-to-use data connectors. Automate your data workflows through data pipelines without a single line of code.

Connect your data warehouse

It will be the destination of all data pipelines you build. Pipes supports relational databases in the cloud and on-premises.

Connect to AccuWeather and Acquisio

You just need to enter the associated credentials to allow Pipes access to the AccuWeather API and the Acquisio API.

Combine data from AccuWeather and Acquisio

Pipes lets you select the data from AccuWeather and Acquisio that you want to load to your data warehouse. These data pipelines will run automatically on your defined schedule!

To analyze AccuWeather data with 7Analyse, Pipes provides you with fast and easy access to all your data by automatically loading it in your data warehouse. Always up-top-date, no performance issues, without writing a single line of code.

Connect your data warehouse

It will be the central database for your AccuWeather. Pipes supports the most popular relational data warehouses in the cloud and on-premises.

Connect to AccuWeather

You just need to enter the associated credentials to allow Pipes access to the AccuWeather API.

Create a data pipeline

Create a pipeline from AccuWeather to your central data warehouse. The pipeline will run automatically on your defined schedule, so you will always have fresh data available.

Access your AccuWeather data with 7Analyze

Connect 7Analyze to your data warehouse. You will see your AccuWeather data there in form of standardized tables. Now you can analyze your data without performance issues!